Friday, October 17, 2014

Chapter Unfolding

Sometimes you can feel clairvoyant in this life. My previous post did exactly what I expected and more people failed my little experiment. It's a shame because I see beautiful things beginning to bloom in my life. I've had to restrain from exploding on some individuals due to the hurt they have cause my heart. So, I'm taking time to put pen to paper before I respond to them.

I feel like my life has been a garden the past couple of years. I've been working it diligently. Tilling the soil, watering accordingly, removing the overgrowth and weeds, replacing them with new life. My daughter's day care focuses very intently on 'living things' and how to respect them. This includes plant life as well as humans and animals. The teachers explain to these young kids that if you hurt a plant, it can't scream out in pain or run away if you are hurting it, but we must respect them all the same. I feel like this can be a metaphor for how life can operate. Some people scream and run...some people are silent and take the pain. I tend to be the latter.

Back to my metaphorical garden. I saw a bloom. It may be small, just beginning to show it's colors, small green leaves opening up to add to the show. But a bloom it is. With new growth comes hope and life. I'm so very excited to see where things go from here and what this new chapter is going to bring. I probably should mix the book and garden metaphor, huh? Oh well, I guess I'm a rebel that way!

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